Black Labrador born with three legs and a spare

Our puppy was born with three legs and a spare.



On day one, we took our puppy to the vet. The vet said that the leg has no skin. He expected that if the puppy survives, the extra leg will dry up and fall off on its own, or need to be amputated.  The vet gave us antibiotics for the puppy.

By Day three the extra leg looked like this:

But within hours after taking this picture, the momma dog licked the outer layer off, very similar to what you would think would be done at a burn unit, where the skin is sloughed off everyday as a part of treatment. We are watching our momma dog so she doesn’t get carried away. We really do not know what to expect.  This left a bloody stub. We are concerned about our little tripawd puppy and have already begun different massage and physical therapy techniques on him to help him keep up with his littermates.